Job search Netherlands - The do’s and don’ts

We’re not going to lie to you. Going on a job search in the Netherlands can be stressful and difficult. However, preparing well in advance will help you massively when it comes to sealing the deal and securing your perfect job in the Netherlands. Here are all our job search do’s and don’ts to help you along.

The don’ts: One size fits all

One of the first things you might want to look at when starting your job search in the Netherlands is your CV. Creating a good CV is difficult and there are a lot of different ways to go about it. What you need to know about Dutch companies is that they like to get to know you. So yes you should add all your work experience and education. But you should also reserve a bit of space on your CV for a short profile in which you tell a bit about yourself, your ambitions and add some of your hobbies and interests as well. But keep in mind! Your CV shouldn’t be longer than 2 pages.

Most Dutch companies will also expect you to send in a cover letter with your application. We would advise you to spend some time on this, as a good cover letter could be the winning ticket to a new job. A good cover letter is not just a summary of your CV. It’s also the place where you can showcase your knowledge about the company and the vacancy. Showing interest in the job and the company you’re applying for really helps!

The don’ts: The one man show

Network, network, network! We can’t say it enough. Building a good network, especially when you are new to the country and working environment, is very important. Especially as an expat, networking can provide you with two valuable sources of information. It allows you to learn about the business culture in the Netherlands. And it can offer contacts that can help you find future career opportunities.

Even Though Dutch people can seem a bit blunt and stand-offish at times, you’d be surprised how happy they are to welcome you in their network. Especially at the ‘borrels’, they will be eager to help you on your way. However, if you’ve just arrived in the Netherlands it can be difficult to get started. Luckily there are many (online) groups and events that will help you get those first few ‘toes in the door’.

The do’s: Be prepared

Now that we’ve told you about some don’ts while on your job search in the Netherlands. It’s time to talk about some do’s. Starting off with the most important one: preparation.

Preparing in advance is key if you’re planning on working and living in the Netherlands. There are a few things you need to know (and fix) before even starting your job search in the Netherlands. Unless you’re an EU citizen, sorting out that work visa should be at the top of the list. Two other things you should get started on the moment you start your job hunt are: booking an appointment to register at the municipality where you’re going to live to keep everything legal. And opening a Dutch bank account. Also, be aware, if you’re working and living in the Netherlands it is compulsory to take out Dutch health insurance.

Once you have all of that set and done, it’s time to focus on landing that job. You best be prepared for the ‘Dutch directness’. To put it nicely, us Dutchies are very blunt. When going in for an interview you best be prepared to get some very direct questions about your skills and even the salary you’re expecting. Make sure you’re prepared so you won’t be caught off guard when these questions inevitably pop up.

The do’s: You’ll get by with a little help from your friends

Luckily you won’t have to do it all by yourself. As we mentioned before, networking is key. And there are many ways you can go about it. Joining events, mingling with peers who you know are in the industry you’re interested in or even looking for support online. In the Netherlands, LinkedIn is booming so it would be a good place to start. A lot of recruiters use it to find new international talents and a lot of professionals use it to advance their careers. So it’s time to update your profile! Add a great headline, a good summary that represents you and your professional achievements, and start connecting.

Need some more help? We’ve got you covered. At Undutchables we make your job search in the Netherlands a lot easier. It’s our job to find you the perfect match. Both within your field of work, while also matching your criteria and ensuring a cultural click between you and your future employer. We offer vacancies in fields such as Administration, Customer Service, Marketing, Sales, IT, HR, Finance and many more. Interested? Sign up here and let us know what you have to offer or check out our vacancies and get started on your job search!

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