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Undutchables Recruitment Agency is a full member of the Dutch Federation of Private Employment Agencies, ABU (Algemene Bond voor Uitzendondernemingen). Membership of the ABU, an umbrella organisation for recruitment agencies in the Netherlands, guarantees the legality of an agency.
Periodical Screening
ABU screening
To maintain high quality membership standards, ABU periodically screens members.
All ABU members are screened twice a year by SFT*. Each member is periodically screened for the payment of social security benefits and taxes, liquidity and solvability.
*SFT (Stichting Financiële Toetsing/ Financial Screening Foundation)
In the Netherlands, user companies are liable for employee government social security benefits and taxes when the hiring agency does not pay the agency employee. SFT limits user company risk by checking registered SFT agencies’ monthly payments based on information received from the Dutch Social Security institution (UWV). To check whether a recruitment agency is registered, please see:
In addition to complying with certification and other standards, an ABU member has to conform to the ABU code of conduct, which stipulates rules for upstanding behaviour towards other ABU members, user companies and agency workers. Complaints about an ABU member can be made to the ABU arbitration court.
For more information on the ABU, please visit
General Conditions
Click here to open our General Terms and Conditions. Feel free to contact our offices if you have any questions.
Prefer to read the terms and conditions in Dutch? Click here to open our Algemene voorwaarden.
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