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The national social security system in the Netherlands requires all inhabitants to pay at least 36.55% in income taxes (including national insurance contributions). Your employer deducts this income tax from your salary and pays it directly to the Tax Office (Dutch Tax Administration).
What you have to pay in other taxes (including wealth taxes) depends on your own personal financial situation. Please call the Tax Office (Belastingdienst) for more information. You can reach them at 0800-0543 from Monday to Thursday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and on Friday from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. You can also visit the official Dutch tax office website. There is also limited information in English.
Tax Advice:
Please note that we are no experts on tax matters, so please contact the Tax office with any queries, or ask a Tax Expert for assistance.
If you find you need more personal advice, we suggest you go to an expert. There are many Expat financial specialists who can complete your tax forms for you or provide other consultancy services, for example: Limes International, Taxback, Expatax, Taxpat, Finsens, Broadstreet, Suurmond Tax Consultants.
It has come to our attention that some unaffiliated individuals and/or parties have used the Undutchables name illegally to promote fake job opportunities and solicit money via social media channels. Please be advised that this is not us. We will never request money from job seekers as this is contrary to the way we work and is against the law in the Netherlands. If you are approached by someone claiming to be from Undutchables that requests money for helping you find a job then you can be certain that they are not truly from Undutchables.
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