European Blue Card

The requirements for receiving a blue card for the Netherlands

A residence permit from the other EU member state is required. To obtain this residence permit, the employee must comply with the conditions applicable in that member state. The employee must have a contract for highly qualified employment for at least one year in the Netherlands. The validity of the EU Blue Card is connected to the duration of the work contract: if the work contract is for 3 years, the EU Blue Card will be issued for a period of 3 years as well.

The employee must have completed a higher education programme of at least three years. Nuffic has to approve the employee’s diploma. The employee also has to meet the income requirements. They must have a passport valid for at least 6 months when filing the application as well.

Extra documents you’ll need to hand in with your application:

  • A copy of the page in your passport that contains the personal data and the period of validity. You should also send a copy of the pages with travel stamps.

  • A copy of the employment contract, in which it is stated that the employee will work for at least 12 months.

  • An employer's declaration.

  • A copy of your payslips for the past 3 months.

  • If the employee has a Dutch degree: a certified copy of the degree certificate.

  • If the employee has a foreign degree: a copy of the degree certificate and the degree evaluation from Nuffic.

  • If the employee has a protected profession: evidence that he or she meets the statutory requirements for being allowed to practise that profession in the Netherlands.

For more information, please visit the IND website.

The IND (immigratie & naturalisatiedienst) has 90 days to decide on your EU blue card Netherlands application. As an employee you can track the application’s process. You can also apply for a review of the decision made if you do not agree with the decision. Once you have received your blue card for the Netherlands you’re allowed to start working!

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