Meet the Recruiter - Busra Korkmaz

We have shared a lot with you about our company, our events, the Netherlands as a country and their traditions. We feel like it is high time you got acquainted with some of our colleagues. This blog will give you more insight into the life of a recruiter, the challenges they face, their most memorable moments and their guilty pleasures. This week we will introduce our Utrecht recruiter, Büşra Korkmaz. Enjoy!

1. How did you end up in recruitment?

My career started with a recruitment internship in Turkey, which I really enjoyed. Afterward I tried business development and marketing, however I realized that recruitment suits me the best. It is more humanly, more empathetic. It changes something in a person's life (especially for people who are new in the country). That is why I am here today. 😊

2. What are the most/least enjoyable aspects of recruiting?

The most enjoyable thing for me is hearing stories of people from all over the world. Learning about different cultures is one of my biggest interests and this field fulfills that. The least enjoyable thing is that the process is never 100% under my control. For example, the candidates can change their mind the day after accepting the offer. It is disappointing for every recruiter I believe.

3. What is the biggest challenge of the job?

The least enjoyable aspect I have mentioned above is also the biggest challenge for me. 😉

4. What has been your most memorable moment in the job?

When a candidate gives me a call or sends me an e-mail to thank me after they get an offer, I feel very touched and happy by their kind words. Each of them are the most memorable for me. I know the struggle to find a job as a foreigner and it is an amazing feeling to take that struggle away from someone.

5.What do you think is key for a successful recruiting process?

Empathy with clients and candidates, keeping good track of the process, being honest and open to both clients and candidates.

6. If you were to have a job outside an office environment, what would be your dream job?

I would like to get paid for traveling the world. Please share the links with me if you see any opportunity!!

7. What's your guilty pleasure?

Watching Turkish TV series (same ones over and over again)…

Quickfire questions

Q: Coffee or tea

A: Coffee in the morning, tea for the rest of the day.

Q: Sun or snow?

A: SUN (that is why I chose to live in the Netherlands!!)

Q: Are you a morning or a night person?

A: I am definitely a morning person. My brain stops processing information after 9pm. 😊

Q: If you could go any where in the world where would you go and why?

A: This is a difficult question to answer. It would be great if I could be everywhere at the same time. The world is full of adventure and beauty. I wish I could experience all of it.


As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

Marianne Williamson

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