Meet the Recruiter - Rebecka Pojkas

We have shared a lot with you about our company, our events, the Netherlands as a country and their traditions. We feel like it is high time you got acquainted with some of our colleagues. This blog will give you more insight into the life of a recruiter, the challenges they face, their most memorable moments and their guilty pleasures. This week we will introduce our recruiter from The Hague, Rebecka Pojkas. Enjoy!

1. How did you end up in recruitment?

I followed my dream of moving to The Netherlands. I was doing recruitment back in Sweden and I found out about Undutchables when looking for jobs in the Netherlands. It caught my interest for many reasons and one of them, is the fact that I have relocated and made the “journey” myself. That means that I can relate in a good way to the candidates we recruit who have done the same transition themselves - which feels nice 😊

2. What are the most/least enjoyable aspects of your role?

The best part is to make calls to candidates and spread the good news of a job offer. Vice versa, the least enjoyable part is having to be the messenger and deliver bad news, such as the fact that the candidate didn’t get the job they were hoping for.

3. What is the biggest challenge of the job?

One challenge is finding the perfect fit for both the client and the candidate. It’s not just about matching skills to the job description – it's about matching personality, culture, and long-term potential. Sometimes, a candidate who ticks every box on paper might not be the best fit culturally, which can result in a longer hiring process.

4. What has been your most memorable moment in the job?

One of the most memorable moments was when a client wanted to recruit 3 people to join their team for a certain kind of role. I successfully filled all the roles and with the funny twist that all 3 of the candidates who were hired had the same name!

5. What do you think is key for a successful recruiting process?

Be personal and use your personality to your advantage!

6. If you were to have a job outside an office environment, what would be your dream job?

I have a strong passion for healthy living, and I would love to contribute to others’ well-being. Whether that’s working in a gym, offering wellness coaching, or being involved in the healthy food industry in some way.

7. What's your guilty pleasure?

Watching Emily in Paris or Bridgerton on Netfllix!

Quickfire questions

Q: Coffee or tea

A: Coffee (AND tea haha)

Q: Sun or snow?

A: Sun

Q: Are you a morning or a night person?

A: Morning

Q: If you could go any where in the world where would you go and why?

A: I would like to travel to Asia since I have never been there

" Believe you can and you are halfway there! "


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