Meet the Recruiter - Srinarty Laa Baan

We have shared a lot with you about our company, our events, the Netherlands as a country and their traditions. We feel like it is high time you got acquainted with some of our colleagues. This blog will give you more insight into the life of a recruiter, the challenges they face, their most memorable moments and their guilty pleasures. This week we will introduce our recruiter from Amsterdam, Srinarty Laa Baan. Enjoy!

1. How did you end up in recruitment?

I discovered the position online and I came across the Recruitment Consultant position for our office in The Hague, where I live, and decided to call the recruiter—who was actually our General Manager, Nick! I still remember that he was in a meeting but fortunately, he had time to speak with me and we scheduled an interview that same week. The process moved quickly, with several interviews and assessments, and I eventually landed the role as a Recruitment Consultant in our Amsterdam office. 😊

2. What are the most/least enjoyable aspects of your role?

The most enjoyable part of my role is the perfect blend of professional and personal connections. I get to engage with a diverse range of people, from hearing about business models and strategies with high-level professionals to chatting about something as personal as diving gear. It's rewarding to build those relationships.

On the flip side, the least enjoyable aspect is being ghosted—whether by clients or candidates. After investing time and effort, it’s frustrating not to hear back.

3. What is the biggest challenge of the job?

The biggest challenge of the job for me is managing the complex dynamics between clients and candidates. It’s a balancing act—aligning different expectations, handling rejections with care, and maintaining professionalism even when things can become quite unprofessional at times. It’s not always easy, but I find it rewarding to navigate these challenges and see everything come together successfully in the end.

4. What has been your most memorable moment in the job?

I have experienced a lot of memorable things but if I have to choose one to share then one of my most memorable moments was reaching out to a candidate from our database on the same morning he finished a long night shift at a fast-food fried chicken restaurant. He had been searching for a better opportunity for five years, since moving to the Netherlands. After having his first interview with my client—a distributor of well-known guitar and drum brands—he landed the job as the first candidate I introduced. It was a perfect fit since he plays guitar and drums himself. He’s been rocking in the role for over two years now. 😊

5. What do you think is key for a successful recruiting process?

For me, the key to a successful recruiting process is all about connection and communication. I find that truly understanding what my clients need and what my candidates are looking for makes a huge difference. Building genuine relationships with both sides helps ensure that everyone’s expectations are aligned. I believe that being proactive, organized, staying responsive, and keeping the process positive and engaging really makes the difference in finding the perfect match.

6. If you were to have a job outside an office environment, what would be your dream job?

If I were to have a job outside an office environment, my dream job would be something creative and expressive, like being a singer or an actress. I’d love to explore the world of performing arts, where I could channel my creativity and passion into something vibrant and impactful. Plus, it sounds like a lot of fun!

7. What's your guilty pleasure?

My guilty pleasure? It’s definitely sweet desserts! I can’t resist indulging in something sugary and decadent now and then.

Quickfire questions

Q: Coffee or tea

A: Coffee with foamed milk 😊

Q: Sun or snow?

A: Oh sun, please!

Q: Are you a morning or a night person?

A: I used to be a night person, but I can’t keep it up anymore.

Q: If you could go any where in the world where would you go and why?

A: Toraja. There’s another part of my life there.

"Dance like nobody’s watching, 
sing like nobody’s listening."


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