Meet the Social Media Marketeer - Ezgi Feller

We have shared a lot with you about our company, our events, the Netherlands as a country and their traditions. We feel like it is high time you got acquainted with some of our colleagues. This blog will give you more insight into the life of an Undutchables team member, the challenges they face, their most memorable moments and their guilty pleasures. This week we will introduce our Social Media Marketeer, Ezgi Feller. Enjoy!

1. How did you end up at Undutchables?

After a year living in the Netherlands, in 2022, I decided that it was time for me to get back at my career. I was looking for an only-English requiring marketing position (preferably in an international company). And luckily around that time Undutchables decided to grow their marketing department and add the 'Social Media Marketeer' position. It was a great match since it fitted with my background perfectly. I feel fortunate my potential was seen and that I am a part of this amazing team!

2. What is your role at Undutchables?

I am part of the marketing department and work as the Social Media Marketeer. My main responsibilities are managing the social media accounts and content creation.

3. What are the most/least enjoyable aspects of your role?

The most enjoyable aspect to me is the designing process. Often, we work on different projects together as a marketing team and I really enjoy seeing a design change, evolve, and take its final shape.

The least enjoyable part is having to make decisions. Time and options are - of course - finite and this demands dropping some elements and keeping others when we plan a new project. That, however, I find tough. I can spend hours on a design, or days on video editing, but at some point, it just has to be done. Sometimes this means I have to convince myself that it is good enough and done as it is.

4. What is the biggest challenge of the job?

Prioritizing. There is usually a lot to do in a week and the tasks are quite varied. Some projects are long-term and there are also ad-hoc things popping up in my work week. Some are more fun and interesting than the rest... I have to plan my week in an efficient way and prioritize the tasks, otherwise deadlines won’t be met.

5. What has been your most memorable moment in the job?

Hmm tough one to pick... I have had many amazing moments, but I think the most memorable was one of the earliest memories: my interview. I was quite nervous before the interview (as most of us are 😃), but it just went amazing. To me it was an instant click with my now manager and colleague. I immediately felt like ‘I should work here!’ and luckily it was a mutual feeling. It was the best interview experience I have ever had.

6. What do you think is key for a successful recruiting process?

I think personal approach, empathy, and good communication are the key requirements of a successful recruiting process. 

7. If you were to have a job outside an office environment, what would be your dream job?

Photojournalist or a nature photographer

8. What's your guilty pleasure?

Binge-watching true crime shows

Quickfire questions

Q: Coffee or tea

A: Coffee

Q: Sun or snow?

A: Sun!

Q: Are you a morning or a night person?

A: Morning

Q: If you could go any where in the world where would you go and why?

A: Berlin, because it has it all.

"Enjoy the things that you do and do the things that you enjoy."

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