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We’ve all experienced it. Those initial jitters before going in for a job interview. The truth is that this is completely normal. Even the most confident of us go through this stage in the job application process. It is a fact that some things are out of our control. Howbeit, you still can have a leg up on the situation, especially when it comes to preparing for an interview. We’ve packed this article with valuable tips to have you ready for that ‘oh so important’ interview ahead.
Do some research on the company
First things first, research the company and/or job description. If you already know the name of the company, be sure to look into their corporate culture and assess what is important to them. This step is also where you would decide whether you have the same outlooks as the company and whether the company is a fit to you (yes, that is also possible!). Remember, if you do not feel that the company is right for you, you can always take a step back and evaluate if you see yourself working at this particular company in the long-run. If the answer is ‘no’ , do not feel obliged to go on with the process.
Read the job description thoroughly
Know the job description and determine if you can cross off all the hard requirements. There is nothing more annoying than being asked if you are able complete a task that is clearly mentioned in the job description and you not being able to do so. Know your strengths.
Prepare questions for the interview
Prepare the questions you intend to ask during the interview. When asking questions, it shows that you are interested in the position and would like to learn all there is to know about the company and employment. A well-prepared candidate gives hiring managers a good impression and a reassuring feeling.
Refresh your memory
Go through your CV and refresh your memory on you previous employments. Read it over and make sure that you can answer any questions regarding the details on your CV confidently and without contradicting yourself.
Get to know the decision makers
Know the name and title of the people that you are meeting with. When you have this information, learn more about them. Find common interests or ask questions specific to each interviewer.
Dress for success
The dress code in the Netherlands is more on the casual side. Nonetheless, make sure that you look representable for an interview. Applicants should always be formally dress (better to be overdressed).
Know how to communicate
A simple fact that most people are not aware of is their body language. 10% of our communication is verbal, 30% is represented by tone and a whopping 60% is your body language. So, the next time you walk into a room make eye-contact, give the interviewer a firm handshake, sit up straight in your chair and avoid crossing your arms. Remember that confidence goes a long way.
Be on time
This one goes without saying. But, to stress its importance; be on time. Make sure you have ample time to get on location. Think of public transportation delays. Knowing the Dutch, punctuality is everything. Keep this rule of thumb in mind; early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable. There is a lot that can go wrong. But, if tackled effectively, there is no reason to stress before an interview. Just remember that job preparation is key.
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