How International Recruitment Can Be a Solution in a Tight Labor Market

By now we are all familiar with the tight labor market and the difficulties this can create for hiring and retention in the Netherlands. But this does not have to be the end of the story. At Undutchables we have been working with multilingual personnel, both already in the Netherlands and relocating from abroad, for the past 28 years, so we know the challenges and especially the benefits of engaging an international workforce.

That is why our Digital & Content Marketeer, Aubrey de Wilde, has published an article with Werf& and ToTalent titled, 'How International Recruitment Can Be a Solution in a Tight Labor Market' to help more companies learn how to make use of this great source of talent. 

Check out the article to find out more about what we have learned from our many years in international recruitment and try out our top tips for how to better attract, onboard, and retain employees from this underutilized talent pool to find the solution your company is looking for in the current tight labor market. 


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Our team would be happy to share their expertise to help you get the answers you are looking for. Feel free to contact us about your situation and any questions you may have. 

We look forward to hearing from you!

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