Our team

Savannah Haley Morris

Den Haag
Recruitment Consultant
+31 (0)70 711 83 00 / +31 (0)6 436 231 24
"Make your interactions with people transformational, not just transactional."
Savannah started working for Undutchables because she is passionate about working in an international environment and helping others find work in the Netherlands. She was born and raised in New Jersey, and moved to New York City to attend university and study art. In 2020, Savannah moved to the Netherlands to be with her partner. She has two dogs who she enjoys taking to the beach in her free time. Savannah also loves rock climbing and analog photography.

Katja Heurkens-Grunewald

Den Haag
Branch Manager
+31 (0)70 711 83 00 / +31 (0)6 411 988 52
"The highest form of bliss is living with a certain degree of folly."
Katja has been working at Undutchables since 2006. She started out as an Office Assistant at the Rotterdam office, moved to being a Recruitment Consultant for the The Hague and Rotterdam region and worked as an Executive Recruitment Consultant for many years. Since 2017 she is the dedicated and enthusiastic Branch Manager in the The Hague/Rotterdam team. She enjoys making a difference to her candidates, clients and to her team with her professional-personal touch. Katja loves having a good laugh with her colleagues in the office and enjoys good food. Originally from Berlin, she is an Undutchable herself. Katja is a true family person and loves to spend time with her 2 kids and husband and to travel and see the world together.

Emma Tipper

Den Haag
Recruitment Consultant
+31 (0)70 711 83 00 /+31 (0)6 386 141 94
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
Emma started working for Undutchables in 2022. She was born and raised in Portugal to an Irish mother and English father. She moved to the Netherlands at the end of 2014, and completely fell in love with the country. She lives with her partner, dog and two cats. Emma is a family person and enjoys going back to Portugal to see her family and enjoy the warm weather and amazing food. You will find Emma most times in the kitchen cooking and baking as she loves to cook for others and share recipes.

Eliska Prusova

Den Haag
Office Assistant
+31 (0)70 711 83 00 / +31 (0)6 341 542 33
"Face it until you ace it."
Eliška was born and raised in Prague and previously lived in Liège, Brussels and Rotterdam – where she completely fell in love with the Netherlands and decided to settle in Delft with her partner in the summer of 2022. When she’s not cooking with a podcast in her ears, she enjoys exploring new places for delicious meals and coffee, and loves to get away from the city to enjoy a hike out in nature. She also feels really in her element in an international environment and being an expat herself she understand the challenges of finding a job in a foreign country and she is thrilled to be part of the process for our candidates.

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