Meet the Office & Recruitment Assistant - Antigoni Ambatzidellis

We have shared a lot with you about our company, our events, the Netherlands as a country and their traditions. We feel like it is high time you got acquainted with some of our colleagues. This blog will give you more insight into the life of a recruiter, the challenges they face, their most memorable moments and their guilty pleasures. This week we will introduce our office and recruitment assistant from Utrecht, Antigoni Ambatzidellis. Enjoy!

1. How did you end up in recruitment?

After completing my master's, I found myself uncertain about what to do next. I applied for a job through Undutchables, and during the process, the recruiter suggested that I might also be a good fit for an internal role. I was intrigued so I interviewed for the internal position as well. Recruitment had always seemed like an interesting field to me, so when the opportunity presented itself, I decided to seize it.

2. What are the most/least enjoyable aspects of your role?

The most enjoyable aspect of the job is definitely the satisfaction that comes from knowing you're helping others. Having been in the position of looking for work in a foreign country myself, I understand how daunting it can be, so it's incredibly rewarding to assist those who are in the same situation I once faced. On the other hand, the least enjoyable aspect is when you're unable to help someone, as that is, unfortunately, sometimes inevitable.

3. What is the biggest challenge of the job?

Recruiting candidates from diverse backgrounds, many of whom are new to the country, brings its own set of challenges. It requires adaptability and a willingness to understand their expectations while also helping them prepare for immersion into a completely new work culture.

4. What has been your most memorable moment in the job?

I can't pinpoint one specific example, but it's always wonderful when candidates express their gratitude for the support and help you've provided. It truly makes you feel like you're making a meaningful difference.

5. What do you think is key for a successful recruiting process?

It's essential to be transparent and honest with candidates. You also need to make a genuine effort to understand not only what they are capable of, but what they truly want for their career and future. This is key to finding them a role within a company that aligns with their goals and where they are likely to thrive and stay long-term.

6. If you were to have a job outside an office environment, what would be your dream job?

Maybe working as a park ranger. It would be fantastic to spend time in nature while contributing to conservation efforts and protecting wildlife.

7. What's your guilty pleasure?

Binge-watching shows after work can be tempting, especially when you could be doing something more productive. The only issue is that I don’t feel as guilty about it as I probably should!

Quickfire questions

Q: Coffee or tea

A: Coffee 

Q: Sun or snow?

A: Sun always!

Q: Are you a morning or a night person?

A: Depends on how much sleep I got the night before.

Q: If you could go any where in the world where would you go and why?

A: The Philippines, for the nature and the people.

"Do your best, and your best will get better.


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